This week, I read that Celebrity Chef, Gino D’Acampo is the latest high-profile figure to call on the Government to ‘act now’ and support the hospitality industry, which he told the Manchester Evening News is “falling down like a pack of cards”.

And, whilst this is true, and many in the profession are feeling; stretched, pressed and stressed…our continuous cries for help, support and action, keep falling on deaf ears…so, as I’ve always believed, we’ve got take action and do this for ourselves!

In the article, Gino said that rising costs are crippling independent cafes and restaurants. He continued on to say how he had spoken to scores of fellow chefs – including high profile TV figures – who are ‘having a rubbish time’ trying to make the numbers work and to survive. He then stated that; “The Government really have to do something about it – nobody understands the importance of hospitality. Hospitality is everything, for any country.” Gino continued; “I want to say to the Government they’re going to have to wake up and do something very quickly, because it’s falling down like a pack of cards. When I go to my local high street, four places are down…You go to another high street there are more restaurants closing than opening. A VAT cut could have been a very big help, but they need to do something drastic now.”

Although I do agree with Gino, that not many seem to understand or truly realise the impact and importance Hospitality has on economy. Hospitality is the lifeblood of many communities. The harsh truth is, that I really don’t think that the Government is going to come and save us…Yes, we can continue to lobby, shout and share the realities but, due to the speed of impact, we have to come together, collaborate and try to figure this out on our own, as a profession. We can’t afford to wait! And, I honestly believe that by working together, we can make the difference and changes required.

As Gino said in the MEN article; “The biggest problem is that now, we are allowing the big companies and fast food to flourish…” – But, rather than seeing this as a negative, we can reframe this thinking…  If the big companies are flourishing, it shows us that money is still there and is being spent on hospitality experiences, as many hospitality businesses at the top end still seem to be very buoyant.

I recently heard from several high-end operators at the Institute of Hospitality’s Northern Conference in Leeds that they are experiencing strong growth, and this reality balances out the constant news about businesses in this industry failing because, the evidence shows that it isn’t failing everywhere!

So, what can we learn from some of these high-end operators? Where does our focus need to be?

I believe that we must focus on service, on creating memorable experiences, and bringing the art of hospitality back, so that any spend consumers are prepared to make on leisure and escapism during these difficult times, is met with the respect it deserves. And, as a profession we need to be committed to delighting customers, as this is how we will survive, and indeed with this approach, I also believe we can thrive.

We don’t just want those at the top of the chain to be the ones that survive, but the pressure’s on to deliver, over and above, no matter where you sit in the market – as this is where customers will see the true value – when they feel looked after and treated, whether that’s when buying a coffee or enjoying a tasting menu – connecting back to the true art of hospitality and providing the very best service is what will bring us trust, and loyalty from customers.

So, yes, it’s tough and yes, it’s hard and yes, many of us are feeling stretched, pressed and stressed…but, now, more than ever, I urge operators and hospitality leaders to take responsibility for your own destiny.

Waiting for the Government to bail us out is not the answer, we have to work this out for ourselves. For example, I have seen first-hand the incredible impact Business Improvement Districts can have on our sector, this could 100% be a way to help look at Destination Management support. We need to collaborate and have conversations on how we can switch things up and save the profession.

It’s time to get creative, to get savvy, to invest in training and focus on excellence and to collaborate and work together to support each other through our challenges.

This is why I have launched The Hospitality Heroes. So, if you’d like to take action and become savvy 21st Century Hospitality Hero, please join our free online community –

I’d also love for you to connect with me on LinkedIn:



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